Friday, October 29, 2010


Lower Drinking Age in Saskatchewan
The Saskatchewan government should lower drinking age in Saskatchewan to eight-teen. The Saskatchewan government may consider lowering the minimum legal drinking age to 18, according to Premiere Lorne Calvert. The current drinking age is 19 in Saskatchewan, 18 in Alberta, And 18 in Manitoba.
 The reason they are thinking about changing it would be part of a strategy to keep more young people from moving to those provinces that have a lower minimum legal drinking age than currently exists in Saskatchewan. The government should lower the drinking age because we could lose population and then people don’t have to buy alcohol illegally. If All the people in Europe and most of those over seas countries can drink at the age of 16 then what is the big problem of lowering it to 18 here. One of the most argued reasons to not lower it is all the drinking and driving accidents and all the deaths influenced by alcohol. The government should take some chances and follow through with this idea; it will help our population in Saskatchewan and create bigger cities and towns.  
The Saskatchewan government should lower the current drinking age from nine-teen to eight-teen; it will really benefit this province in many ways.

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