Friday, September 10, 2010


Conglomerate- Anything composed of heterogeneous materials or elements.
                     - Viacom

Demographic- A single vital or social statistic of a human population, as the number of births or deaths.


Early Adopter- A person who wears clothing or has the new style first.
                      - leader of the pack

Coolhunting- An organization who hunts cool and sells it to companies.
                  - coolhunters

The paradox of Coolhunting- It kills what it finds.

Synergy- The cooperative action of two or more muscles, nerves, or the like.

            - MTV, Sprite

Horizontal Integration- When a company expands its business into different products that are similar to current lines.
                                - A hot dog vendor expanding into selling hamburgers.

Ancillary Markets-A market for theatrical films.
                           - Disney

The feedback loop- Give teens music videos, teens try to be the same as the videos, companies make videos of teens for more videos

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